Sunday, February 15, 2015

Finding your purpose

Just wanted to share some motivating thoughts today..I was cooling this afternoon just thinking about life and who I was meant to be.  For a while I've been thinking about myself and what my purpose or calling is in life.  We all have these thoughts and ask that question. At times we feel like we might know but then, as events take place and circumstances change, we go back to questioning ourselves.  It's a perplexing question that really has no definite answer.
After a lot thinking and analyzing, I've realized that we will never know our purpose or calling unless we get past of fears and doubts and challenge ourselves.  Try new things, visit new places and go to further lengths.  We will never discover our true potential unless we act on our ideas instead of overly thinking about them and we either forget about them or discourage ourselves.  It can be scary to enter the unknown but until you do, you will never be able to answer the questions of the unknown possibilities. You will never know what could have been if you never allow for 'it' to be.  Today I encourage all my readers to set aside your fears and doubts, think positive, focus on positive results that you want and go out and find your purpose.


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