Saturday, September 8, 2012

What is Dreams N Ambitions?

Dreams & Ambitions is a brand that was created to provide motivation and encouragement to everyone who dares to chase a dream or goal. We felt that as we ourselves were just like the average person who comes up with awesome ideas everyday. Often a great idea dies away or is forgotten until someone else takes it and runs with it. Then you're left thinking to yourself, "I had that idea first" or "I could have done that too".  We all know the feeling and we've all experienced this before. My partner and I were once the same way. We always talked and cooked up great ideas but failed to act on them. Well one day we finally decided that we were going to take action and follow our dream. We decided that we were going to at least try to make our dreams a reality because anything could happen as long as you try right? So with that being said, we created Dreams & Ambitions! Our goal is to reach every person worldwide who has a dream they're chasing. We'd love for you to share some your dreams and goals with us, whether it's something that you've done and are proud of, words of encouragement, or ambitious dreams that you are pursuing for your future.  With this blog, we want it to be a channel that we use to interact with our supporters, customers, or just general audience.  So if you have ideas that you would like share here on our blog, please do.  Thanks all, peace. ~DNA~
Dream N Ambitions

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